
           From our belief that, Thai herbs have their marvelous value in Pharmacologically preventing and curing many diseases. From this point of view, Since 2004, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai campus sets up “Herbal Research Unit” as its means to intensively study and research towards the excellency in herbal medicines in the Southern part of Thailand.

           For 10 years and more, Herbal Research Unit has grown up and step forward to become “Phytomedicine and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Excellence Center ”. 

           Heading toward integration of knowledge and abilities of the researchers from many difference fields, we keep this frame of obligation in mind as an approach to attain our great goal in research mission.

           To deal with research projects, we intend to develop herbal medicines with Phytomedicine and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology knowledge to apply to industrial sphere, to increase competitive capabilities in ASEAN community, reinforce the strength in graduate study research’s works in order to promote young blood (new generation) researchers to connect our research works to cooperate with research units in PSU and others universities, in a national level and in an international level. In consist with, Prince of Songkla ‘s roles towards studying and publicizing beneficial knowledge according to bioeconomical concept, as an infrastructure of development, drives PSU towards “The university for social innovation” the one of the top 5 universities in ASEAN.