Short course training Development of Herbal Innovations using Green Extraction and Quality Control

               The Phytomedicines and Pharmaceutical Excellence Center, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand is delighted to invite you to the short course training in “Development of Herbal Innovations using Green Extraction and Quality Control” that will be held on June 10-15, 2019.

               The objectives of this short course training are to share the experiences in green extraction method using microwave-assisted extraction for preparation of herbal extracts and the basis of quality control for herbal materials. This short course training is also considered the premier event for scientists from academia and industry from Asian countries to exchange the ideas and forming the intense network.

               The short course training will be held at the Phytomedicines and Pharmaceutical Excellence Center, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Hat-Yai, Thailand. You can join the short course training without any charge for the registration-fee (free of charge). However, there are only 20 seats available for Foreign participants, with 2 seats are limited for each faculty/company (first come first serve). If you are interested to attend our short course training, please send the application form to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The deadline for application form submission is May 10, 2019. An earlier submission will get the accepted letter earlier.

               We are looking forward to seeing you.

Application form